DePuy Hip Replacement Recall

Lisa Douglas has been licensed as a Registered Nurse since 1986. Her law firm is now accepting defective hip implant recall cases. Recent research has shown there is a possibility the metal on metal DePuy hip implant might cause metal toxins to be released into the hip tissue and cause nerve damage and could destroy or damage the tissue and bone in the hip joint. Do you know if you received a faulty hip implant? Contact Law Offices of Lisa Douglas, Inc, at 501.798.0004 or email us at to determine if you have received a faulty hip implant. You may be entitled to damages.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

DePuy Hip Implant Recall

In a medical product liability lawsuit, multiple parties may be found liable: inventors, manufacturers, vendors, and surgeons.

A California-based orthopaedist, who co-developed the ASR XL Acetabular Hip System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System is being sued by one of his hip implant patients. Both the ASR XL Acetabular Hip implant system and the ASR Hip Resurfacing system  have been found to fail in approximately 1 in 8 patients after about 5 years. Signs and Symptoms of a hip implant failure include pain, weakness in the load bearing joint, edema, blood toxicity, metallosis, and chromium poisoning.

In 2006  the patient received an ASR DePuy hip replacement system from his California based orthopaedist. When his hip replacement  later failed, he sued his orthopedist for breach of fiduciary duty. The orthopaedist should have disclosed to the patient that he was receiving money from DePuy in the form of royalty payments.  These royalty payments are estimated to be in the neighborhood of $10 million. 

 Design problems with the recalled DePuy ASR hip replacement system cause the metal components such as chromium and cobalt to rub against each other causing microscopic metal particles to enter the body.  This metal debris can result in soft tissue damage, inflammatory reactions and bone loss.  Design problems with the recalled DePuy ASR hip replacement system cause the metal components such as chromium and cobalt to rub against each other and result in  metal debris being released into the body.  This metal debris can be deposited in the soft tissue or bones, resulting in soft tissue damage or bone loss.

Recall DePuy Hip Replacement

Hip Replacements Recall

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DePuy Hip Implant Recall

The DePuy ASR device is a metal on metal hip implant.  As metal on metal  implants wear, they can cause large amounts of microscopic metallic debris. These metal particles can irritate the tissue and bone causing a severe inflammatory response, causing muscles and other soft tissues to be damaged.  A large number of these devices, require replacement of the device soon after implant.  Whereas, the normal life expectancy of most artificial hips is 15 years or more.

DePuy Hip Replacement Recall

DePuy ASR Hip replacement

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hip Replacement Recall

According to The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, metal-on-metal hip implants may cause toxic levels of metal to circulate in the bloodstream and ultimately deposit in the tissues.
According to the article, within one year of the hip implant surgery, 2 patients who were previously fit and healthy, experienced symptoms of persistent hip pain and shortness of breath as the metal from the hip implant entered into the patients bloodstream and tissues.
Two years after receiving the hip implants, the patients in the study experienced more overt signs and symptoms of cobaltism, which can include irritability, fatigue, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), hearing loss, headaches, loss of coordination, cognitive decline, and depression. The condition could also progress to blindness, convulsions, nerve damage and cardiomyopathy.
In addition to the neurological and cardiac damage, cobaltism can also cause tissue damage that could lead to complications that make future revision surgeries of the damaged metal hip implant impossible to repair.
The DePuy ASR metal-on-metal hip replacement systems have been linked to a high failure rate and were recalled by DePuy Orthopaedics a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson.

Hip Implant Attorney

Recall DePuy Hip Replacement