A California-based orthopaedist, who co-developed the ASR XL Acetabular Hip System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System is being sued by one of his hip implant patients. Both the ASR XL Acetabular Hip implant system and the ASR Hip Resurfacing system have been found to fail in approximately 1 in 8 patients after about 5 years. Signs and Symptoms of a hip implant failure include pain, weakness in the load bearing joint, edema, blood toxicity, metallosis, and chromium poisoning.
In 2006 the patient received an ASR DePuy hip replacement system from his California based orthopaedist. When his hip replacement later failed, he sued his orthopedist for breach of fiduciary duty. The orthopaedist should have disclosed to the patient that he was receiving money from DePuy in the form of royalty payments. These royalty payments are estimated to be in the neighborhood of $10 million.
Design problems with the recalled DePuy ASR hip replacement system cause the metal components such as chromium and cobalt to rub against each other causing microscopic metal particles to enter the body. This metal debris can result in soft tissue damage, inflammatory reactions and bone loss. Design problems with the recalled DePuy ASR hip replacement system cause the metal components such as chromium and cobalt to rub against each other and result in metal debris being released into the body. This metal debris can be deposited in the soft tissue or bones, resulting in soft tissue damage or bone loss.
Recall DePuy Hip Replacement
Hip Replacements Recall